Monday, December 14, 2009


Hey Yall,
So I was accepted into my first choice college! That is St. Andrews Presbyterian College, where I went to ride a few months ago. I am very excited especially because I fell in love with the barn when I was there. I first learned about the college when I was 13 and have wanted to go there ever since. I want to major in equine business management and therepuetic riding. Amador has been doing super well at Seabrook and we are going to work on my video for the riding team on Saturday!
- Paula

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy for a Stall

Hey Yall,

So after about an hour of technical difficulties, my mom and I were on the road with Amador in tow. As if we were not late enough, there was a HUGE traffic jam on the highway! Once we finally got to Seabrook I unloaded Amador and took him to his new stall. The first thing he did was lay down in his fresh shavings and take a deep sigh. It was so cute and unfortunately my camera is on the fritz. I brushed off the shavings and put his blanket, then kissed him goodnight.

So, this morning I was awakened by the storm outside and like always the first things that popped into my head were 1)Are my windows up? and 2)I hope Amador is okay out there. It was such a relief to know that he was safe and warm in his stall. I was planning on going to visit him today after school, however because there were tornado warnings, my mom felt that it would be best if I wasn't on the road. My plan for tomorrow is to go fill out some forms for work and later to go and see him. I would like to ride, but I have a feeling the ring will be to wet.


Monday, November 30, 2009

New Home!

Hey Yall,
So it has been a very long time since my last post. I am very sorry. With everything I have had going on things have been very busy. I am very excited to say, however that tomorrow my mom and I will be moving Amador to Seabrook. This will make things so much easier for me to ride with Charles. My goals for right now are really more so to get my riding back than to show. Although I love to show, I want to be the best rider I can be before I go off to college. I am very excited to be out there and taking my riding to the next level. I will post soon letting you know how things are going and I will try to have pictures.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back and Better Than Ever!

So I had surgery Friday and everything went very well! I am finally able to type again and I went all day today without any form of pain killers, even advil! haha I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning and my fingers are crossed that he will give me some form of brace so I can ride again. I miss riding so much and with this rainy weather it has been so hard to even go to the barn even to work with Tania and Stephanie. All this stinks, but hopefully this surgery will have fixed my wrist and all this pain will be gone for good! I will let everyone know how the doctors appointment goes tomorrow!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Long Time No Post

Hey Yall,
I am so sorry I have been so slack about posting! Things have been very busy. First off the show was a success I pinned third and sixth over fences in the 2'6 and fourth on the flat. Our 2'3 was pretty rocky but I was very proud of myself and Amador because last show we went to we did not place at all. I am excited to continue making progress and getting better. This will however have to wait because I am having to have surgery on Friday for my wrist.

As many of you know I fell off last year about this time and broke my arm in three places. Well, it turns out it did not heal correctly and it has to be surgiclly corrected. The doctor said I should have a short cast within two weeks and after that I will be able to ride. Until then, my mom is going to take Amador to Seabrook once or twice for Charles to get on him and my good friend Haley may get on him some. Hopefully time permitting my good friend Chipper will be coming out to school Tiffany. I am so excited to see a good young rider on her and truly see her full potential.

I had A lesson this past Wednesday and it went super well. Haley and her friend came up with me making the car ride especially enjoyable. Charles had me working on my postition and my posting lower and softer. Amador has so much suspension in his trot that he
throws you out of the saddle. Then we worked over a triple bounce. I was so suprised at how well we did over this. The exercise helped to slow Amador down and it helped me to work on my position.

I also gave Tania a lesson yesterday and despite alot of protest she jumped! She and her horse Lauretta jumped 2ft! This is a huge deal because Lauretta does not have much jumping experience since she used to be shown western pleasure and Tania hasn't jumped in like six years. They looked so good! I am hoping that soon they will be able to show in the 2ft green hunters.

Well now you're all up to date! I will be sure to post this week. I have some video and pics to that I need to post.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Horse Show!!!

Hey yall,

So my lesson with Charles the other night went super well! Charles said we looked really good! Today mom is taking Amador and Tiffany down to Mullet Hall early so Charles has a chance to get on Amador before I get there. After school I'm taking my sister downtown and meeting Tania and Stephanie to head up there. Tonight I need to school Amador and Tiffany, go over everything with Stephanie and finish pulling Amador's mane. I gotta go will let you know how everything goes!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Horse Show Week!

Hey Yall,

So this week is going to be super crazy! I have a doctors appointment all afternoon today where they will give me a shot of dye in my wrist and then take a video scan of me making different motions to see which way the dye goes. It should be pretty cool to watch but I wish they could do it without the shot. haha This procedure will tell the doctor which surgery I am going to need to fix my wrist. Wednesday we have a half day so I am going to haul butt after school and take Amador to Seabrook for a pre-show lesson. We didn't get to see Charles last week so it should be interesting. Then on Thursday Stephanie and I have to get Tiffany and Amador all clipped and scrubbed for the show. My mom is taking The two of them to Mullet Hall early on Friday so I can leave after school and go strait to Mullet Hall. Tania is going to meet me there with Stephanie so we can go over what she will have to do again for the umpteenth time. I am really proud of her she can walk, halt, reverse, steer, and even back with the best of them! It is her first show and a really proud moment for me as her teacher. I have helped teach students before but Stephanie really has been my student. I love her so much and she looks so cute in her show clothes. She is going to show in walk only and maybe the walk trail class. Amador and I are showing in the 2'6 and 2'9 still unless Charles says differently Wednesday. I am super excited!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

To Be or Not To Be...

Hey Yall

So I know it's been a while. My lesson last week with Charles was okay. Lest's just say I wasn't thrilled afterwards. We had impecable flying changes and seamless transitions. Over fences however, we had some issues. For the first time in a long time we were givin something of substance to jump. It was hard, scary, and a bit overwhelming. We have come leaps and bounds from where we used to be, but we still have a long way to go. Amador moves with such impulsion that sometimes it feels as though he is going way faster that he actually is. He may be small but he has a stride that's a mile long.

Today I might have a lesson Amador threw his front left shoe last night so if Ken gets there today at a reasonable time then we will load up and head to Seabrook.

One week till the Pinto show!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lesson Day!

Hey Yall,

So today I have a lesson after school at Seabrook! I'm excited I havn't had a lesson it two weeks. I took a break because of school starting and what not. Things have been going really well. Amador and I have been having great rides! Having my lesson is a big deal because it means once im out of school I have to run and get fuel, go hook up the trailer, grab Amador, get him loaded, and drive to Seabrook. This is just a trial run I can't get home late all the time so we will see how it goes, none the less I am super excited. I have been working really hard on strengthening my legs with 15 min of 2point every ride, standing strait up in my stirrups and schooling the pony 3x a week without stirrups! Well that's all for now I will letcha know how tonight goes.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Minor Setbacks

Hey Yall,

So things have been quite relaxed lately. I am not having a lesson this week since it is the first week of school so I have been working Amador regularly and working on myself on the pony. Yesterday my mom and I got to ride together. She hacked Amador and worked on her position and I did a whole ride practically without stirrups on Tiffany. She is so great for that kind of thing.

This was all great, but as many of you know I broke my wrist a while back and it has been giving me some problems. Today I had to get a second steroid shot in it and am typing with just one hand. lol It hurts pretty bad and I probably won't be able to ride for a couple of days. I am not going to let this stop us! '


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Presenting the new super improved Amador and Paula duo! Yesterday I had a super amazing lesson with Charles! Amador and I worked super hard and as a result we were stellar! We jumped for a solid half hour within which we made it to the base of every fence except two! Even Charles was impressed. He even said he thought we were ready to show again. So... we are headed to Mullet Hall in September for the Pinto show. I am super excited to get back into the groove of showing and watchout yall because we are ready to compete!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Little Pony!

Hey Yall,

So everything has been going super well with Amador. We had two great lessons this past week and Charles is even talking about us showing again! Amador and I are really getting to the base of each fence much more consistently now although we are haveing trouble with our once perfect flying changes. But we are going to work on it.

The big recent news is that I got a pony! Her name is Tiffany and her show name is Goodnight Moon. She is a small welsh pony and is normally black although the sun has done a number on her coat. She is quite chuncky and on an intense diet. Shes super sweet and super good for my little god sister and friend Grace to ride. Many of you may know her she was in Sally Martin's lesson program and did a stint on the show circuits in a variety of pony classes. Then she was at Tuxbury where there were some issues with her undersaddle. However, she has proven herself to be a quiet and easy ride. We are smitten with the new addition to our family. I will try to put pics on soon.


Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm Going To Miss You Sonny <3

My prayers are with my friend Susan as she grieves the loss of her horse Sonny. Sonny was a truly talented and brave horse. Many of you might remember Susan's name. She was helping me with Amador while I was between trainers. In exchange I rode her horse Sonny. He was a big 16 something hand chestnut thoroubred. He was sweet and gentle and funny. Sonny was blind in one eye so he was a chalange but he handled it so well. Sonny coliced very badly last night and had to be put down. I'm so sorry for your loss Susan, I couldn't imagine how I would feel if this happened to Amador, Sonny you will not be forgotten.

Also I am supposed to have a lesson tomorrow but after I got off Amador tonight I saw that his shoe was very loose. I left him in for the night and will check on him in the morning. I hope that the shoe will hold through the afternoon.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

All Better!

Hey Yall,
So two days ago the vet gave me a thumbs up for Amador's eye. He said that it was looking way better and that as soon as the dialation was back to normal that I could ride him again! I am so excited to ride again it seems like I haven't ridden in like a year. haha I have been working around J&B to keep busy and just doting on my baby. I am having two lessons this week with Charles since next week I am off to Florida for an entire week for the Ultimate Life Summit (that thing I got a scholorship for). That's another week without riding but this will be alomost unbearable because I won't see Amador either! Well thats all for now. I will let you know how my lessons go, Hailey is supposed to come with me to one of them, so I might even have pics!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hey yall,
So Tuesday I drove all the way to Seabrook for my lesson only to pull Amador off the trailer to find that he was unable to open his eye. So we loaded back up and called the vet. Sally Banner (our favorite vet) came and she told me that he had an ulcer in his eye. So we are our of commission for the next week until his eye is all better.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lesson Day

Today Amador and I loaded up and went over to Seabrook for our weekly lesson with Charles. It was a good lesson and I learned a lot. We worked on my position on the flat as well as over fences. We also continued to work on riding to the base of every fence. Amador was a little fast but we improved steadily with each round. I got to ride with my friends which was really cool.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Guess Who's Back!

Hey Yall,

So my internet has been down for at least two weeks! I have so much to post about it is insane! So to start, the most exciting news is that I have now had three or four lessons with Charles and they have gone super well! Charles thinks that we will be ready to compete again in hunters in two or three months! I want to do as many shows as I can but money is tight so we are going to try our hardest. In our last lesson with Charles we worked alot on my position and how it effects the horse. I have been working hard to build up my leg strength and to ride every day.

Next big ticket item is that Amador has moved to J&B for the summer! He is loving being in a stall. We had to move him because he was getting so sun bleached and also his hoof rot was getting progressively worse because of the wet ground at my house. I love being at a barn again. As much as I loved being at my own farm and making my own rules and such, I now realize how much I have missed the comrodery of a barn.

Well that's all I can think of right now I am super tired!


Monday, June 1, 2009

All the Way to North Carolina

Hey Yall,

So it's been a while since I blogged and so much has happened! So Thursday night Ken Moody came out and put Amador's shoe back on which turned out to be a very difficult task. Since Amador has been out in the pasture and it has been so wet he has gotten hoof rot. This means that there was not very much foot for Ken to nail to. We have been very proactive though to get rid of this nasty development. I have soaked his feet first in peroxide then in kopertox he is on a hoof supplement now and I am still using keritex. So hopefully he will be all better soon.

Next big news is that I drove my horse trailer all the way to Brevard, NC and back!!! Yay! It was very cool I have never drivin on the real interstate before and never that long all at once. So the reason we went to NC was to take Danny and another pony back to Camp Rockbrook for the summer. My mom and I always have the best road trips and we had so much fun staying at High Rocks where my mom grew up going as a camper and then a counsuler. Now it is all boys, but I hope to work there as a counsuler to one day. Amador seems quite lonely without Danny so we are going to try to find him a buddy. Any ideas message me please! :-)

Tommorrow my plan is to mow my ring and get all of the new jumps set up. I am going to ride Amador, then give him a break and get everything ready to go to Seabrook tomorrow. Then I am going to go down the road and pick up Kaijsa and Em so we can go swimming with our friend Trey and his horse at this super cool crystal clear pond thats back off a trail. This will be really good for Ami since when I rode today he was a tad bit stiff. I am excited bout the ring and I am going to take pics of that and our ride! Also I have pics to post from our trip.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fox Hunt!!!

Hey Yall,
So today I was bored during pe so I went and saw an old friend by the name of Diane Geradeau, (I think that's how it's spelled) who used to board at M&M while I was there. She is super neat and fun and she told me about this thing she is doing with some women from her barn. She is going to the Rein and Shine first annual hunter pace benifit. It is June 20th at Poplar Grove and for those 18 and under it is only 35 dollars and for adults 45, both including luch. All the info is on the Rein and Shine website but this is a great and fun way to help out a local organization that does so much for the community. They do so much and I have seen first hand the effect that they can have. It is going to be a blast and I hope to see everyone out there supporting this great cause! I am trying to put a team together. So far we consist of myself and my friends Sarah and Hailey from J&B Stables so if anyone is interested and likes to go fast and has a horse that is in shape give me a call, but our super team is not for the faint hearted!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hey Yall,

So I have really big news! Today we scheduled my first official lesson with Charles from Seabrook! So on Wednesday I am going to wake up early, load up Amador and drive over to Seabrook Equestrian Center. O, thats the other big news, I'm driving over to Seabrook all by myself! My mom has decided that I can since she has to work that day anyways. I am so excited, I have wanted to work with Charles for a while now and my mom and I both think that it is a great opportunity. He is very good with green horses and right now in hunters, that is what my horse is. Can't wait to tell yall all about it.

Also what has gone on since the last time I posted you might wonder? Well, Amador threw a shoe the other day so I haven't been able to ride since Saturday, but I have been playing with him alot. Also I have been working really hard to get a full hunter course set up in my ring i now have three sets of wings, five sets of standards, poles, a brush box and a wall! I am working so hard to make the farm as nice as possible with our small budget. I really want a barn but that's a ways into the future as far as I can tell. Also I have some sad news. My mom and I are leaving early Saturday morning to take Danny and his pony friend, Annie, up to camp in Brevard, N,C. I am a little concerned about what Amador will do all alone especially because he and Danny have grown so close. Because of this, I am looking fo a companion for him. Any ideas?


Monday, May 18, 2009

This Weather Stinks!!!

Hey Yall,
So this past week has been super gross here! I haven't been able to ride but once. I went out on Wednesday night and rode and on Thursday night we did some work on the lunge line just because we needed exercise. I am going crazy not having ridden, but since our riding area doubles as a pasture we have to try really hard not to ruin all the grass. I was super excited to get home from a great weekend visiting my grandmother in Beaufort and ride, but I must have eaten something because I am really sick. I missed school today but hoefully I can go tomorrow.It's really important that I don't miss because exams are coming up and I really want to do well! Today the vet came out and pulled coggins on both Amador and Danny since Danny was due for a new one and Amador's expired in a month we decided to just get both done.

I have really big news now! So about three weeks ago my mom handed me this form to fill out to apply for a scholorship to go to a week long camp at the end of July. I was a little hesitant about applting because I would have to be gone for my birthday, but I figured I would never get it anyway and filled it out. Well today my mom handed me another piece of paper. This time it was a letter saying that out of like a hundred applicants, I had gotten one of four scholorships! The camp is called The Ultimate Life Summit and kids from all over go that want to start their own business. The best part is that it is in Disney World for a whole week! I am very excited, although I hate leaving Amador for an entire week! Well hopefully I will have news of a great ride tommorow!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Horse Show!!!

Hey yall,
So as you all know today we went to the pinto show at Mullet Hall. Ashley and I both got up really early and went to the barn where we met my mom. Once we were loaded up we were off. I drove and I was so proud of myself I didn't do anything wrong! my mom said that she thought I was ready to start driving by myself! Anyway so we got to the show late so we rushed to get Danny and Amador tacked up so that we could school. I got on Danny and he did awesome as always. Then I got on Amador and he did pretty well. So Ashley rode very well in her classes and while she did not place she looked great. So then it was my turn. While I was schooling my mom started talking to Charles from Seabrook and he offered to help me because Amador and I were struggling trouble working to the base of each jump. So Charles helped us and immediately we did so so much better. We didn't pin unfortunately but it was a great show considering we haven't been to a hunter show in a while. I think that we are going to continue to improve and I can't wait for our next show.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Year!

Hey Yall,
I just realized it has been a whole year since I got Amador! I love him so much he is one of the best things that has ever happened to me! Thank you to my grandma who bought him for me and to my parents for paying for him :) and supporting me! Thank you to Tania my second mom for all of your help I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you everyone!!! Here are some pictures of us through out the last year.

Horse Show!

Hey Yall,
So this weekend I am going to take Amador to the Pinto Show at Mullet Hall. My friend Ashley has been working with Danny alot and so I suggested that she take him and show him in the short/long stirrup division. She really is just going to have fun but I think she will do pretty well. They are super amazing together and Danny loves he so much. I am going to show in the low hunter division and if we are doing well the junior/amateur schooling hunter division. I am so excited! Today Ashley and I clipped our boys and the look super handsome. We still have to pull Danny's mane and figure a way to get Amadors mowhawk down. lol Ashley and I both are very excited I haven't shown in a while and am very excited to show off my new hunter! I will let yall know how it goes.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Susan!!!

Hey Yall,
First I want to say happy birthday to Susan Baton!!! You are the best! Amador, Danny, and I all , love you so so much and we appreciate everything you do for us!

Everything has been going really well. Danny has found his soul mate. My friend Ashley and he do so well together and they get along great! Amador has been doing super but because prom was this weekend I was super busy Saturday and had to do barn work Sunday, so just my mom rode him. They look better together everyday. He is taking such great care of her as she gets back into the swing of things! Sunday I mucked the pasture and worked on a couple of other projects, then headed over to Susan's birthday party. I got to meet her whole family and they were so nice.

Today I am going to put Stephanie on the lunge line and we hope to work on our trotting and all the stuff we have been working on!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Me a Hunter Again?

Hey Yall,
So on Saturday my friend Susan came out to give me a few pointers with my riding. It was really good to see her because she hasn't been out to work with me in two weeks and I had some questions for her. She started by working with me on my transitions and my free walk. She said that the free walk is o important because it lets Amador stretch his whole body out. Also with the transitions I learned that even the way we breathe when we ride effects our horse. Then we worked over some itty bitty verticals. It was so cool Amador was just taking them in stride! He didn't race or anything! We even have him in a snaffle now! So our new goal is to show hunters. Once we have the hunters we will try jumpers again, but I am very excited to go back and proove to all those who said we weren't able to do hunters that we can! I have a video from our lesson I just have to get it loaded I'm trying. Also yesterday I had a cleaning day and I completely organized all my stuff I'll try to post a pic of that to!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Jump?

Hey Yall,
So today I got to sleep until almost 10 o'clock because Tania feed for me and it was amazing!!! The only thing I don't like about having my horses at my own farm is that I have to wake up early to go feed in the mornings. After my sleepy butt woke up and got going I went to the feed store to see Amelia and to get beet pulp. Then I went out to the farm and picked up Stephanie from Tanias. For those of you who don't know Stephanie is Tanias daughter. She is six years old and has been learning to ride on Danny. She is really a natural. Today she walked around with a little help from Tania and practiced her steering, posting at the walk, and two-point while I rode Amador. She did very well until Danny stopped walking about five feet away from one of the jumps. She gave him a kick and told him to walk on, but I guess he misses jumping because hi gave her a smooth trot to canter transition and proceeded over the jump! luckily the pole had fallen so it was just a ground pole and Stephanie shocked us all because she stayed perfectly centered and two pointed over the pole. She was a little nervous afterwards but she really liked it! I jumped Amador and he was really good and got all of his hunter strides. I'm very excited because Susan is coming to help me on Saturday. Tomorrow I'm going to ride again so I'll let yall know how that goes.


Hey Yall,
So yesterday I brought all of the jumps I've built so far up to the front of my farm where my ring will be. Tania and I set them all up into a little jump course. Then later Tania on Danny, Kenzie on bridget, and me on Amador all went trailriding over at Hampton Road Stables. It was alot of fun and I got to see my friend Annie and her Pony Remi! It was very muddy and wet on the trail but Amador was such a troopeer I was actually suprised at how well behaved he was. Tania took Danny because her horse, Loretta, has very sensative feet and no shoes. It was so much fun thanks Debbie for letting us join yall!
P.S. I'm going to try to post pis soon I promise!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ribbons and Muck!!!

Hey Yall,
Things have been so crazy! Last weekent my god mother, Tania, and I along with a friend went to a dressage schooling show over at Hampton Rd. Stables. For those of you who don't remember I used to board there. It was great to see our old friends and the show was lots of fun despite the rain. We showed training level one and placed 3rd out of about seven or eight! I was so proud of Amador he was so good! A big thanks to Debbie Hankison it was a great show we hope you put on another one soon! Also thank you to Susan for all of your help. Shout out to Tania who won first place in her division, which made for a great first horseshow! So that explains the ribbons part so I'm sure your wondering what the muck part means...? Well since Amador and Danny have been at my land they have been very happy and Amador has gained lots of weight and is looking alot better. However, this also means tons of work for me! It has rained for the past two days and so when I went out to work today I was expecting it to be wet, but it was muddy and icky and gross! I couldn't get any work done out in the pasture, so I decided to work on my jumps. For those of you who know me you might be like, Paula, building??? Well lots of good has come from the move to Huger including my learning how to use power tools without killing myself! YAY Well I've been working on building up my jump collection and today I build a brush box! It's really cool and I actually suprised myself at how good they look. I'm very excited to start putting my ring together with all the pretty jumps I've made! It's so much fun and I think that all the measuring and stuff is really relaxing. We have been working so hard to get the land to be a nice little farm. In addition to the jumps I've been working on building a round pen, putting together a small dressage ring and eventually a nice little three stall shedrow. I'll put pics up as soon as I can! Well I'm off to get some sleep after a long day of work!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crazy Crazy

Hey Yall
Things have been super crazy the last couple weeks trying to get our land "horse ready". We spent all day out there yesterday finishing the fence and making space in our storage shed for all my stuff. After everything was done my mom and I went out to Mills and loaded everything up including the horses. My mom was very nervous about loading them in the rain but I promised her that both of them were super good loaders and I was right. Both horses walked right on the trailer without any hesitation what so ever! When we got there it was raining still and I felt terrible putting them out in the rain, but we had to so I put both their blankets on and turned them out. Both Danny and Amador were so happy they were running around like crazy exploring their new home. After they were done they chilled out and dug into the grass. They both looked really happy despite the rain. While they were settling in one of our friends Tania and her daughter Stephanie, who are our neighbors and also have horses, came over to check everything out and to help me unload. My dad made me some space in his equipment shed for the hay, feed, and all of my stuff until we get our barn built. We put up hooks and a shelf for all of my supplements and stuff like that above where the feed goes. I stayed the night at Tania's house so that I could go check on them throughout the night since I was so nervous about the weather. At about 5 o'clock it thundered really bad and I just got this feeling like somthing was wrong so I grabbed my truck keys and drove over to check on the horses. I got there and they were okay but Amador's blanket was soaked and was starting to get him wet so I went ahead and changed it to a different one. Then, soaking wet I went back to Tania's, changed, and crawled back in bed. Tania and I woke up at about 7 or 8 and feed both her horses and mine. Amador and Danny are getting along so well Amador even let Danny share his breakfast this morning, which is bad but irresistably cute!:)

Monday, February 16, 2009

So Much to Tell

Hey Yall,
There has been so much goin on, everything has been so chaotic and crazy lately! I have been wrking with my mom and dad to finish building the fence at our property in Huger in two weeks. It's really, really hard work! We are building the fence because on the first of the month Amador and Danny are moving there. I'm sure you have bunches of questions, yes, I know I have lots of catching up to do. I now have my old pony Danny. He is owned by Rockbrook Camp in Brevard, NC but he is under the charge of Cara Thompson, one of my favorite people in the whole world! I only have him until the end of the winter, but he is so much fun to ride. I am helping Cara to make sure that he is ready to be used in the camp riding program. I am moving the horses to my famalies land on the first of the month because I am hoping to save some money on board and gas so that I have more money to show. Cescil and Dawn have been so amazing and I couldn't be more grateful, but since the horses will be so much closer I will be able to ride almost everyday! Also my godmom Tania lives right next door so I'm super excited to be able to ride with her all the time.

Amador has been doing super great we've only been jumping about 2'9"-3' lately because we have lost some of our confidence since we haven't had a trainer. I'm trying super hard to get jumps up at the property so we have adequate facilaties to train. I'm still looking for a trainer that will come to me, but hopefully we will find one soon so we can get really serious again.

Cross your fingers for me and that all our plans will work out!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Times Are A'Changein

Hey Yall,
I know yall haven't heard from me in a while and I'm really sorry. Things have been so busy what with riding, and the going ons at the barn, plus school, I can barely keep up lately.
As many of you know I have been riding with Holly Waller for almost two years now. She has been very good to me and is an awesome trainer. She found me Amador and for that, I will always owe her he is the best horse I could ask for and truly a gift from god! As most of yall know I moved to Mills to continue my training with Holly, but she was only there until her farm in Huger was done. Unfortunately the farm in Huger was a no go and Holly has been looking for another place to go. I would like to congragulate her on her purchase of, from what I hear a very pretty farm on Johns Island.
However Johns Island is a very far drive from where I live with alot of traffic, and although I moved to Mills Farm to be with Holly I have fallen in love with the farm owners Cesil and Dawn and their family.
So, I will no longer be training with Holly and so starts the search for a new trainer to follow in Holly's steps. We have very big plans for the "new" Mills and are working very hard to make them all come true. Tomorrow there are two trainers coming to meet with Cesil and Dawn who I am very excited to talk to in regards to training.
You are probably wondering how Amador is, and the answer is very well. We are gearing up for some big jumper shows. He just got clipped about a week ago and just forewarning, if I ever offer to clip your horse or anything for that matter, say no. It was my first time doing a body clip myself and although I've seen much worse it's far from perfect. lol He also just got seen by the chiropractor so we are all ready to go. I'm going out to the barn tomorrow so I will get some pics. I also just got some pictures from Hallowen of us as a bathtub so I'll try to post those as well!
We will miss Holly but we are ready to begin a new chapter in both our careers.
If any of you know of a good traveling trainer who attends shows please send me a post with their info we are very interested in looking at all our options and finding the trainer who will best fit our needs, as well as shares some of our goals.
Paula Anne