Friday, September 18, 2009

Horse Show!!!

Hey yall,

So my lesson with Charles the other night went super well! Charles said we looked really good! Today mom is taking Amador and Tiffany down to Mullet Hall early so Charles has a chance to get on Amador before I get there. After school I'm taking my sister downtown and meeting Tania and Stephanie to head up there. Tonight I need to school Amador and Tiffany, go over everything with Stephanie and finish pulling Amador's mane. I gotta go will let you know how everything goes!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Horse Show Week!

Hey Yall,

So this week is going to be super crazy! I have a doctors appointment all afternoon today where they will give me a shot of dye in my wrist and then take a video scan of me making different motions to see which way the dye goes. It should be pretty cool to watch but I wish they could do it without the shot. haha This procedure will tell the doctor which surgery I am going to need to fix my wrist. Wednesday we have a half day so I am going to haul butt after school and take Amador to Seabrook for a pre-show lesson. We didn't get to see Charles last week so it should be interesting. Then on Thursday Stephanie and I have to get Tiffany and Amador all clipped and scrubbed for the show. My mom is taking The two of them to Mullet Hall early on Friday so I can leave after school and go strait to Mullet Hall. Tania is going to meet me there with Stephanie so we can go over what she will have to do again for the umpteenth time. I am really proud of her she can walk, halt, reverse, steer, and even back with the best of them! It is her first show and a really proud moment for me as her teacher. I have helped teach students before but Stephanie really has been my student. I love her so much and she looks so cute in her show clothes. She is going to show in walk only and maybe the walk trail class. Amador and I are showing in the 2'6 and 2'9 still unless Charles says differently Wednesday. I am super excited!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

To Be or Not To Be...

Hey Yall

So I know it's been a while. My lesson last week with Charles was okay. Lest's just say I wasn't thrilled afterwards. We had impecable flying changes and seamless transitions. Over fences however, we had some issues. For the first time in a long time we were givin something of substance to jump. It was hard, scary, and a bit overwhelming. We have come leaps and bounds from where we used to be, but we still have a long way to go. Amador moves with such impulsion that sometimes it feels as though he is going way faster that he actually is. He may be small but he has a stride that's a mile long.

Today I might have a lesson Amador threw his front left shoe last night so if Ken gets there today at a reasonable time then we will load up and head to Seabrook.

One week till the Pinto show!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lesson Day!

Hey Yall,

So today I have a lesson after school at Seabrook! I'm excited I havn't had a lesson it two weeks. I took a break because of school starting and what not. Things have been going really well. Amador and I have been having great rides! Having my lesson is a big deal because it means once im out of school I have to run and get fuel, go hook up the trailer, grab Amador, get him loaded, and drive to Seabrook. This is just a trial run I can't get home late all the time so we will see how it goes, none the less I am super excited. I have been working really hard on strengthening my legs with 15 min of 2point every ride, standing strait up in my stirrups and schooling the pony 3x a week without stirrups! Well that's all for now I will letcha know how tonight goes.
