Thursday, July 16, 2009

All Better!

Hey Yall,
So two days ago the vet gave me a thumbs up for Amador's eye. He said that it was looking way better and that as soon as the dialation was back to normal that I could ride him again! I am so excited to ride again it seems like I haven't ridden in like a year. haha I have been working around J&B to keep busy and just doting on my baby. I am having two lessons this week with Charles since next week I am off to Florida for an entire week for the Ultimate Life Summit (that thing I got a scholorship for). That's another week without riding but this will be alomost unbearable because I won't see Amador either! Well thats all for now. I will let you know how my lessons go, Hailey is supposed to come with me to one of them, so I might even have pics!

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