Monday, April 13, 2009

Me a Hunter Again?

Hey Yall,
So on Saturday my friend Susan came out to give me a few pointers with my riding. It was really good to see her because she hasn't been out to work with me in two weeks and I had some questions for her. She started by working with me on my transitions and my free walk. She said that the free walk is o important because it lets Amador stretch his whole body out. Also with the transitions I learned that even the way we breathe when we ride effects our horse. Then we worked over some itty bitty verticals. It was so cool Amador was just taking them in stride! He didn't race or anything! We even have him in a snaffle now! So our new goal is to show hunters. Once we have the hunters we will try jumpers again, but I am very excited to go back and proove to all those who said we weren't able to do hunters that we can! I have a video from our lesson I just have to get it loaded I'm trying. Also yesterday I had a cleaning day and I completely organized all my stuff I'll try to post a pic of that to!

1 comment:

Charleston Riding Academy said...

That is awesome. So glad to hear things are going well. Hopefully we will get to see you at a show again soon.