Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back and Better Than Ever!

So I had surgery Friday and everything went very well! I am finally able to type again and I went all day today without any form of pain killers, even advil! haha I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning and my fingers are crossed that he will give me some form of brace so I can ride again. I miss riding so much and with this rainy weather it has been so hard to even go to the barn even to work with Tania and Stephanie. All this stinks, but hopefully this surgery will have fixed my wrist and all this pain will be gone for good! I will let everyone know how the doctors appointment goes tomorrow!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Long Time No Post

Hey Yall,
I am so sorry I have been so slack about posting! Things have been very busy. First off the show was a success I pinned third and sixth over fences in the 2'6 and fourth on the flat. Our 2'3 was pretty rocky but I was very proud of myself and Amador because last show we went to we did not place at all. I am excited to continue making progress and getting better. This will however have to wait because I am having to have surgery on Friday for my wrist.

As many of you know I fell off last year about this time and broke my arm in three places. Well, it turns out it did not heal correctly and it has to be surgiclly corrected. The doctor said I should have a short cast within two weeks and after that I will be able to ride. Until then, my mom is going to take Amador to Seabrook once or twice for Charles to get on him and my good friend Haley may get on him some. Hopefully time permitting my good friend Chipper will be coming out to school Tiffany. I am so excited to see a good young rider on her and truly see her full potential.

I had A lesson this past Wednesday and it went super well. Haley and her friend came up with me making the car ride especially enjoyable. Charles had me working on my postition and my posting lower and softer. Amador has so much suspension in his trot that he
throws you out of the saddle. Then we worked over a triple bounce. I was so suprised at how well we did over this. The exercise helped to slow Amador down and it helped me to work on my position.

I also gave Tania a lesson yesterday and despite alot of protest she jumped! She and her horse Lauretta jumped 2ft! This is a huge deal because Lauretta does not have much jumping experience since she used to be shown western pleasure and Tania hasn't jumped in like six years. They looked so good! I am hoping that soon they will be able to show in the 2ft green hunters.

Well now you're all up to date! I will be sure to post this week. I have some video and pics to that I need to post.
