Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mills Here We Come!

Hey yall,
I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long! I have so much to tell everyone! As most of you know I fell off a friend's pony almost a month ago and broke my arm and wrist. I couldn't ride so I just spent alot of time playing with Amador on the ground and lungeing him alot! lol This also resulted in me spending alot of time at Mills Farm where my trainer Holly, and all the girls are. I love it out there so much! It is so good seeing my barn family regularly again! lol Well today I got a new short cast, and an okay from my doctor to ride, so I went out to Holly's and had a lesson on Riley (one of her lesson horses). It went really well and Holly said I did suprisingly well for someone who hadn't ridden in so long. But my leg was still a bit weak over fences so we decided that it would be good for me to ride her horses a few more times before I jump Amador again. But my lesson wasn't the best part of my night! Like I said earlier in my post I have been spending alot of time at Mills. When I got out there today Kj (one of the awesome guys that works there) came up to me and told me he had something to show me! So he took me into the boarder barn where we had talked about Amador going and showed me that Victor (another one of the awesome guys that works there) had painted Amador's name on the name plate above the stall. It looks so great! It says Amador and it has a little cupid up in the corner, since amador means lover in spanish. They even took time to paint red swirls onto my new racks on the outside of my stall. I'm so excited to move Amador so we can be with all our old friends. However I will miss Hampton Road Stable so much, and I definately have every intention of going back to visit! My dad and I are going to move Ami on Friday, and I will be sure to take lots of pictures of him at his new home, and of his awesome name plate!

P.S. Thank you to everyone who has been so amazing in helping me get through not being able to ride, and helping me realize it wasn't the end of the world! lol